Contract Description:
The CTUIR’s North Fork John Day Fisheries Enhancement Project (The Project) works to protect and enhance physical and biological process and in turn habitat to improve the natural production of indigenous, Mid-Columbia River (MCR) Evolutionary Significant Unit (ESU) summer steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) listed as threatened under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), spring Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) within the North Fork of the John Day River Basin. The Project originated in 2000 with initial on-the-ground implementations occurring in 2001. Restoration actions were initially undertaken within lower Camas Creek tributaries (Snipe and Owens Creeks), Deer Creek and the Lower North Fork John Day River. Over time however, the Project identified three focus basins (Camas, Desolation, and Granite Creeks) for which analysis and actions plans have been developed to guide restoration actions.
Focus basins contain a mix of privately held and publicly managed lands. Historic land management practices influenced each basin somewhat differently, however, past and current grazing, timber harvest, and transportation infrastructure development and maintenance influence all basins. The Granite Creek basin however, has been heavily placer and lode mined as well. Restoration Prioritization is primarily guided by the John Day Basin Partnership’s ATLAS prioritization of the John Day basin supplemented by the CTUIR derived Camas Creek Assessment and Desolation Creek Geomorphic Assessment and Action plan. The Bull Run Creek Action Plan informs work in portions of the Granite Creek watershed and also was incorporated into the John Day Partnership's Atlas Framework.
These documents do not however replace the CTUIR’s First Foods Policy implemented through the Umatilla River Vision and Upland Vision. The Project’s approach to habitat restoration is rooted in the CTUIR’s First Foods Policy and Umatilla River Vision. The First Foods Policy identifies food groups integral to the tribe’s religion and culture while the Umatilla River Vision outlines a framework for process based analysis using five primary touchstones (Hydrology, Geomorphology, Aquatic Biota, Riparian Vegetation, and Connectivity). The framework has been adopted by the CTUIR’s Department of Natural Resources for all management and restoration actions. The First Foods Policy, Umatilla River Vision and Upland Vision are inherently consistent with the strategies and objectives outlined in the John Day Subbasin Plan and other planning and recovery documents.
Thus far, habitat has been improved through nine conservation agreements, nine complete or partial barriers to passage removed, 515 Km and 8,138 acres of stream channel and floodplain habitats improved, and two assessments and one action plan have been developed to guide restoration actions. Work will continue with the Camas, Desolation, and Granite reek basins until priorities guide our work elsewhere.
During 2022 our efforts will focus on low tech hand crew work, permitting for a road relocation along Desolation Creek, implementing a large wood placement project in the Hidaway Creek basin, implementing a large restoration on Desolation Creek, and contributing to a culvert design on Boundary Creek. Efforts will continue concurrently to select and develop actions to be developed and implemented beyond 2022.
CTUIR staff have been working with Trout Unlimited and Umatilla National Forest staff to identify areas for and implement low tech hand crew techniques in higher elevation meadow habitats which are sensitive to heavy equipment access and movement. During contract 73982 Releases 136 and 106 work began and has continued in the Camas and Desolation Creek basins. The approach uses minimal designs and site sourced wood to increase stream channel and floodplain roughness. Permits are secured by the Umatilla Nation forest under their ARBO B. O. and the CTUIR supplements funding Trout Unlimited obtains from other sources. Trout Unlimited staff are responsible for veteran crew administration and oversight.
Permitting efforts will continue for the 1.25 mile Desolation Creek 10 Road relocation. Since 2017 the CTUIR has collaborated with a private landowner, the Umatilla National Forest, and the North Fork John Day Watershed Council in relocating the 10 Road from high value floodplain habitats to adjacent hillslopes. This effort originated during development of the Desolation Creek Geomorphic Assessment and Action Plan when the restoration actions were being considered for the highest restoration priority. Collaborators deemed there was significant value in relocating the road for directly for the benefit of aquatic species and to remove decrepit creosote bridge and regularly eroding roadbed thereby improving the potential for appropriate physical and biologic process. As such the upper half of the highest priority reach was advanced while the Umatilla National Forest secured funding for a topographic surveys of the proposed road alignment and culvert design for Kelsey and Spring Creeks. Grant SWCD secured design funding the road and the CTUIR has been actively coordinating with them to secure permits and ensure the road design meets HIP protocols during the 73982 contract Release 136 performance period. A final road design is expected in late 2021/early 2022 with the CTUIR working to secure materials for the new road. This will likely entail CTUIR led coordination with Oregon DOGAMI as a nearby quarry on private land may serve as a rock source for the road. Thus far cultural resource surveys and Oregon SHPO consultation have been secured and consultation with the services is ongoing. A Fill/Removal permit application will be submitted for the two culverts before implementation and road obliteration will occur as a component of stream restoration following the new road alignment’s development. An implementation contractor will not be selected until implementation has been scheduled.
As for the Hidaway Creek effort the design was developed by the CTUIR with input and review by BPA technical staff during performance periods covered by contract #73982 Releases 136, 106, and 65. The selected design utilizes readily available large wood from hillslopes adjacent to Hidaway Creek. This tactic was chosen due to the site’s isolation, difficult access, and limited floodplain width which combined to make an intensive design and its implementation problematic. Additionally design components reflect naturally occurring features which are present on the site. Large wood will begin to be gathered and staged on higher elevation floodplain areas during the winter of 2021/22 with placement to occur in 2022. Materials will be gathered during the winter of 2022 with implementation to occur in the 2022 15 July to 15 August instream work period. To date all permits have been secured save the Fill/Removal permit for which an application is being completed for submission. A qualified implementation contractor has been selected through a competitive bid process and CTUIR staff are prepared to oversee implementation.
Efforts associated with the Desolation Creek Reach 3 Restoration Design's implementation subcontract costs are associated with CR-352115. This includes implementation of 'stage zero' and more traditional large wood and rock structures along a two mile reach of Desolation Creek. Within this CR WE L - Construction Management supports staff salary, travel, and associated overhead for both the Hidaway and Desolation Creek restoration implementation efforts. Staff will divide labor between the two sites with two CTUIR staff rotating though the Desolation Creek site in coordination with the design contractor as they provide implementation oversight. CTUIR staff and/or design contractor staff will be on site throughout implementation and approve completed work elements and design features prior to moving on to other portions of the site/design. If implementation requires a second year due to instream work window limitations, weather, contractor limitations, or unforeseen difficulties funding will be allocated during the 2023 performance period.
Several years ago the CTUIR supported a federal grant application from Grant County in their request for federal funds to resurface the 24 Road along Bull Run Creek and replacement of five culverts. Three of the culverts form partial passage barriers to aquatic organisms including one along Boundary Creek adjacent to the Bull Run Creek Mine Tailing Design completed in early 2022. Federal funds were not available for the Boundary Creek culvert's implementation so the CTUIR has agreed to fund all or a portion of the culvert replacement. Federal, county, and tribal staff are working through culvert designs with the expectation that permits will be secured by federal design staff with copies of final documents passed to BPA. BPA will be provided intermediate design plans for review as they become available.